Trans Film Mentorship
TFM x Banger Films
The Opportunity
​​​The Trans Film Mentorship (TFM) is partnering with Banger Films to offer a paid work-integrated training opportunity for emerging trans and non-binary professionals interested in pursuing work in the post-production world of film and television.
After the internship, interns will receive consultation and support from TFM and its partners on identify their career goals, next steps and action plan.
Program Details
We are seeking two candidates for the role of Post Production Assistant. The mentorship will run for six weeks, September 16 - November 8 2024 (dates subject to change). You’ll be working with award-winning, experienced creatives who are psyched to work with new voices.
Chosen applicants will be involved in:
Shadowing Assistant Editors and our Post Supervisor
Contributing to organizational aspects and the final processes of an Offline Edit
Helping coordinate GFX assets and/or files
Helping update critical tracking documents for various final aspects of the show
Observing the final archive mastering process, and helping us track assets
Observing and Contributing to the turnover of offline edit to Colour/Online/Post Audio
Timeline and hours
Meetings Required: Sep 16 to 20
Full-time Internships: Sep 23 to Nov 1
Part-time Workshops/ Career Navigation: Sep 4 to 8
Internship: $25/hr
Career Navigation Workshops: Honoraria
​The work will take place at the Banger Films office near Dundas St West and Roncesvalles. Some remote work, and other locations within downtown Toronto, may occur.
Who Is This Program For?
This program is intended for folks who identify as trans and non-binary and who are:
Passionate about pursuing a career in film and television post production
Interest in the documentary edit process necessary
Self-motivated, eager to learn and able to take direction, as well as work in a collaborative environment
Interest in film graphics and/or graphic design encouraged
Has some experience in post-production through professional, personal and/or student projects
Available for work full time - September until early/mid November
Can work 8 to 12 hour days in the office as needed
Experience with AVID software an asset
Love, or at least do not hate boy bands of the Y2K era
Owns a laptop and is comfortable in an Apple environment
Proficient in Google Workspace, Excel and Adobe
Triple vaccinated against COVID-19
Must be a resident of Ontario
Application Process
Interested applicants must fill out an application form, submit a resume/CV, and a link to an example of any related work (portfolio, project, sample, reel, short film, theatre, etc).
Deadline to apply is August 30, 2024
Questions? Email programcoordinator@transfilmmentorship.com
About Banger Films
The Peabody and Emmy award winning creators of Hip-Hop Evolution, This is Pop and K-Pop Evolution.
Founded in 2004, Banger Films is a global leader in documentary storytelling. With a focus on looking at pop-culture through an anthropological lens, we strive to discover the social intersections that unite us, rather than divide us.
Banger has an award-winning catalogue of feature documentaries, doc series, live concerts, and kids programming that has featured the biggest names in pop-culture and screened on platforms worldwide.
A lost R&B star, Black trans soul singer Jackie Shane finally gets her second act.
Sex With Sue (2022)
Triumph: Rock & Roll Machine (2021)
K-Pop Evolution (2021)
The first, most comprehensive take on the emergence and rise of this exciting new genre.
This Is Pop (2021)
Hip-Hop Evolution Season 1–4 (2016–2020)
Peabody and Emmy award-winning 16-part deep dive into hip-hop history on Netflix.
Program Partners